Thursday 30 January 2014

London Life

I seem to be frequenting London a lot at the moment.
I guess it's to break up my time on campus (living out of town again is like being back in first year, just without the fun and with significantly less impressive lodgings) but in this hugely important term, it's not something I should really be doing.
Oh well. I need something to keep me sane!
Here are some snippets of my double life as a Londoner...

So, one of the reasons I headed to London on Sunday was to see my sister's new flat.
I'll be joining her there when I graduate so I wanted to check it out.
This will be my room (excuse the mess, they hadn't unpacked or sorted anything out when I came snooping).
I'm excited to see what it looks like when I've finished with it - I've got big plans for this room.
It'll be a really fun project. Watch this space.

There's a huge mirror outside the bathroom. Cecilia has appropriately dubbed it 'the selfie mirror'.

I haven't just been gallivanting around London having fun 24/7. On Tuesday, I spent all day in the National Art Library doing dissertation research. That this library is so beautiful certainly made working more bearable.

This awful picture is of my Pad Thai at Oaka. I know I've blogged about Oaka before, but I love it so much I made Cecilia and Josh come to dinner with me. I had a citrus flavour ale too! Josh paid. It was great.

There we go. A few snaps of what I've been up to. Now back to the somewhat neglected dissertation research!


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